Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Living in the Digital Age (writing prompt)

Two years ago, I lay in a hospital room. The wonders of the digital age revealed a desperately ill unborn baby. 

The doctors said they had some things they could try. 

A few life-changing weeks later, the same ultrasound machine showed a very different picture. Today, we have a healthy, happy 22 month old daughter. I am still in awe. 

For us, technology worked wonders. And yet, others are grieving for their children, whom modern medicine could not help. Death comes to all of us, eventually. Sometimes technology delays it. Sometimes not. 

If we had lived in the pre-digital age, could God have saved our girl? Could he have miraculously healed her without medical intervention? Without our even knowing there was a problem? Of course He could. God is God, and He can do anything. 

Would He have? I don't know. 

This post is part of Meredith's 'Prompted to Write' event. Click on over in a few days to read the responses of others. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a beautiful, thoughtful, thought provoking post.


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